Abortion Explained!

Multiple Abortions

During the reproductive years we each have, it’s unrealistic to think that we won’t experience more than one unintended pregnancy. And with that means some of us will have more than one abortion. Research shows that most people having abortions were using birth control (which can and does fail) the month they became pregnant, but no matter what, we should be able to have access to abortion care as often and as many times as we need it. Still, whether we use birth control or not is not a measure of responsibility, and it’s harmful messaging like this that contributes to abortion stigma.


“We’re good people making the best decisions we can for the circumstances we’re in. We should approach people who’ve had multiple abortions with a genuine desire to appreciate where they’re at instead of a judgment about why they did what they did.”

— Kelsea McLain, We Testify Storyteller

If you’re having another abortion, know that you’re not alone and it’s super common!

Half of us have more than one abortion.


Multiple abortions have been deeply stigmatized by our society for decades, but almost half of people having an abortion have already had one. Because of abortion stigma, people who have abortions are painted as “irresponsible” or “slutty” for having an unintended pregnancy and wanting an abortion, and this stigma and myths about abortions only escalate for people who have multiple abortions. 

The myth that abortions are unsafe and dangerous is already extremely harmful to people who have abortions, but it’s doubly impactful to those who have multiple abortions. Those who want to ban abortion spread misinformation designed to confuse the public and make people think that if they have more than one abortion they could harm their future fertility, mental health, or other health issues. None of it is true. Abortions rarely have complications. In fact, you’re able to get pregnant again soon after an abortion—hence why some people need more than one abortion.

One study found people who have abortions often experience “disruptive life events,” such as exposure to violence, financial hardship, and unemployment, which can increase the chance of needing more than one abortion, especially when events happen at the same time. It’s important to recognize many people have more than one abortion and each abortion experience is its own. We must show up for people who have multiple abortions, listen to their stories, and have empathy for all of our experiences.


Want to read more stories of people who’ve had multiple abortions?

“I don’t think I’ve ever said out loud that I’ve had two abortions, except to my husband and best friends, and I’m an abortion rights activist … I was surprised at how much weight saying that was for me, and then once I said it, it helped the shame dissipate a bit.”

— Megan Jeyifo, We Testify storyteller


I speak openly about the fact that I’ve had six abortions over the last 24 years, and I don’t regret any of them…

When we are not included in articles or other conversations about abortion, well-intentioned writers and advocates are doing a disservice to the reproductive rights movement and other people like us who have had multiple abortions. If I’m being honest, the articles and discussions that do not center, or overlook, people of color simply spread more white supremacy. It’s a whitewashing of history right before our very eyes. By not including these stories and the barriers to health care that people of color face in this nation, the movement continues this cycle and maintains the hurdles to our liberation.

— Kenya Martin, We Testify storyteller